No don't call ME John. John is supposed to call me. Wait .. he did call me me. But did I get the call? Thanks to my LG cell phone - nope. I love cell phones, NOT.
My cell phone has the habit of locking up at times. You can look at it and everything seems fine. But, unbeknownst to me, I'm not getting any calls or can I make any. So take the battery out. Take the sim card out. Reinstall everything. Now it's OK. This has happened several times before. And since I don't use the stupid cell phone that often I usually don't catch the problem right away. So I missed John today. Oh well, next time.
And this has happened once to often so it's off to the cell phone store to get a different phone. Remember the good old days where you had the same phone for 30 years and if it did break you called somebody up to bring you a new one?
Oh and don't forget the number one word said over a cell phone, what? That's right, WHAT?
happy birthday to me happy birthday to ME happy birthday dear mEEEEeeeee hbd2m
Colorful "polar stratospheric clouds"
18 minutes ago
Happy birthday!
happy birthday big bro! "another year older and deeper in debt." gotta love porgy and bess. love ya! see you in a bit for dinner!
To social security or not to social security, that is the question.
It was a great celebration! What a great weekend we've had, including Thanksgiving and all the other leisure time besides today!
Another November birthday boy! Happy belated birthday you old dog, you! I think the reference to "another year older and deeper in debt" may actually be to Tennessee Ernie Ford's "Sixteen Tons" rather than Porgy and Bess, but no're still another year older and deeper in debt. Welcome to the club.
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