A wall is to much of a symbol. We would be better off to create a huge gully before building a wall. We would be better off to fill the Rio Grand with acid before building a wall. There are just to many other electronic things to do that would be better.
What got me thinking about the wall?

So there's got to be something better over all. Like the way the feds brought down Elliot Ness. Taxes. We tax the illegals back to Mexico. Put anyone without a legal green card in the 90% tax bracket. That puts the employer on the hook also for improper withholdings. If someone is caught the illegal AND the employer are both responsible for unpaid taxes. The illegal goes to debtors prison until someone can pay the taxes he owes. The employer is responsible for the 90% of the prevailing wage, not what the illegal was paid. The employer, after paying a stiff fine, can then make the illegal pay him back the taxes if false credentials were presented.
I like this plan. Somebody that's already in Washington DC needs to present this plan to the proper authority's.
Your plan would cost me at work and at home. Cleaning the building at work and grass cutting at home . So I say NIMBY. By the way your shift starts at 1:30 today. Don't be late!
LOL is about all I can say.
There are a couple of places in this where you should have used "too" rather than "to". Can't that be fixed electronically?
There are a lot of things that can be fixed electronically, This can to.
You should listen to Claudia. And by the way, who is the "somebody" who is already in Washington DC to whom you refer? Don't forget that I have my own plan already! Your tax plan is good, but it assumes that (1) the non-taxpaying illegals will be caught; (2) the employers would have decent records for accounting of their wages; and (3) a Democratic Congress would support a plan that mentions "debtors prison" and a 90% tax bracket for the "poor and oppressed." Of course, I like it, but unfortunately no one from Mr Obama's transition team has called for my input yet. I must have my phone lines checked...
Funny post AND comments!
I see a GRAND plan coming together.
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