At the end of every Frontline show on PBS they say there's more on the web. As much time as I spend on the web I've never really watched a Frontline show there. At least not until just now. So you say 'just what I need, more time in front of the computer'. Well, if you have a big enough monitor, you can blow it up full screen and sit back and watch it like a TV. I've got a 19" monitor for my computer. That's bigger than the TV in my kitchen.
Here's a couple of plans. Set up a dual monitor system and have the second monitor sitting far enough away that it seems like a TV. Or put an easy chair in the corner of the computer room, start the program and sit in the real chair instead of the computer chair.
So here's a direct link to the Frontline site. The are 69 Frontline shows on line. The run times vary from 50 minutes to two hours. The one I just watched is call "Inside the teenage brain". I watch Frontline every chance I get on PBS, but there are about half of the 69 shows that I don't think I've seen before.
I think I'll set up that easy chair.
Update - I added the PBS videos link to my "other links" so I .... I mean YOU wouldn't have to try and find it again.
Put it in my favorites??? One of these days I'll try and count all the favorites I have.
What I Have Observed From 'The' Chair
2 hours ago
Part of me wants to say, "How can they do a show on Inside the Teenage Brain in just 50 minutes?
And another part of me wonders that there could be anything in there worth putting on TV.
In the scans it showed the neurons were playing practical jokes on the synapses.
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