Tuesday, January 06, 2009

662 - Book search

Google's book search has a good start. And it's not just books. They're doing magazines also. Here's an example, it's Popular Science. I used to get this magazine but have since dropped my subscription. I also finally threw out all the old ones I had been keeping. Now, if I want to refer back to something, it's ONLINE!

I still like reading a book or magazine rather than a computer screen.

And I was sitting here wondering what to blog about tonight when an email showed up with this link in it about 25 minutes ago.


Amanda said...

Interesting link! I definitely like the feel of a real book or magazine but just don't have that luxury here in Palembang so any links to more reading material is great for me :)

fiona said...

"I still like reading a book or magazine rather than a computer screen"
So your more hands on than voyeur?

Bilbo said...

I'm with Amanda...I'd always rather hold onto a real book or magazine...but sometimes there's just no way to get the info except online. All I have to do is remember not to use my yellow highlighter on the screen...

Fiona - I'd be careful what you say to Mike that has the words "hands on" and "voyeur" in the same sentence...

Mike said...

A - Always glad to up someone's favorite count on their browser.

F - I like magazines with pictures. Lots of pictures.

B - White out works better. A blond showed me that trick.