Do you remember the optical illusion of the young girl / old woman? An earlier version is to the left. The newer one that I remember is below to the right.

I had to look at the pictures for a few seconds to see them again. It's been awhile. Well there's a cool new video version of this on the net. Well if it's not cool it sure is funny.
(If you've never seen these pictures before, read below)
For the uninitiated this will make the video understandable, maybe - The pictures were usually handed out in a class and the teacher would ask everyone if they got the picture of the young woman or the old woman. The illusion is that everyone has the same picture. Depending on what you're focusing on in the picture will determine what you see. Look at the picture on the left because it's a little easier to see the two women. Focus on the horizontal line above the collar. For the young woman it's a necklace and she is facing away. For the old woman it's her mouth and she is facing towards the left.
Above the left end of that line is the young womans chin and the old womans nose. Further up is the young womans ear and the old womans eye.
LOL! Funny video.
I've seen these both pictures before but it took me AGES to see the old lady. And if I looked away, I lost them again.
it took me a long time to see the old woman in bothe pics. I had to read you description carefully to get it.
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