This first cartoon is from Bandit. He and Frank send this cr*p to me all the time. They can't help it. They're ..... I can't say it.
The problem with this cartoon is the cartoonist forgot to point out why the cow is so skinny to begin with. I think it has something to do with 10 billion x 12 months x 7 years (and counting).
"The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."
...Margaret Thatcher
If we were heading towards pure socialism I would be fighting it as much as the next person. The fact is that the US is a Democratic Socalistic Republic. We are a lttle bit of everything. That's what keeps us going. We had a taste of 'as close as we have come to pure' capitalism (or fascism) for the last 8 years. And look what that got us. I think I like the Democratic Socalistic Republic we have and prefer a little more socialism than to much capitalism.
I haven't done a rant in awhile. I'm pumped. I think I'll go out and kick some ass now.
You can't say it? I will. No wait, you are fired up and know where I live. Just remember I took your world's smallest political quiz and was a libertarian.
*note to self* Keep ass firmly in the saddle today lest Mike decides to kick it...
wv - eryct - Or just happy to see me?
Mike...MIKE!!! Get a grip! You're making sense, and it's worrying me. And keep an eye on Fiona...that lady ain't right. She's cute, but she ain't right.
What do you mean...that lady ain't right???
I'll have you know I never WAS and NEVER shall be a LADY!
The feckin insults I put up with...
wv -elizing - pretending to be Queen
You know, with an attitude like that, you might make a great mayor....
The poor Treasury...however I feel bad for Obama having to try to figure a way out of the mess we're in.
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