Friday, May 08, 2009

779 - I'm back .... sort of

Well I'm back but I'm not all here. (as always) It's 1AM St. Louis time. We got up yesterday at 8AM Prague time. That's about 24 hours straight. Have I mentioned how much I hate traveling on airlines? Add passports into the mix and double the love.

I've got enough pictures to post a picture a day for nearly a year. So I'm going to have to do some editing.

I don't know who's happier I'm back. Me or the dog.



Bilbo said...

The dog. Welcome back.

vw: glosiste: a French person who is involved in glosis.

John A Hill said...

welcome back.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I'm pretty sure its the dog :) Welcome back

Amanda said...

Happy Editing. I'm looking forward to those photos.

fiona said...

Welcome back darlin!
Glad to see that even with sleep deprivation, your on your game.
I am trying to convince myself that you referring to me as "the dog" is a term of endearment...

Mike said...

B - You're probably right.

J - I took a picture of the Heathrow tower for you.

M - That makes the dog one of the happiest mammals on the plant.

A - Now all I need is someone to volunteer to do the editing .....

F - Have I got you pegged or WHAT! I was going to add, after the dog comment, 'I'm not talking about you Fiona'. But then I thought, 'Naaaa, she'll do it to herself!' :) (hey, I remembered the smiley face)

fiona said...