Here are a few things that I have gathered that aren't worth a full post. So I'll waste your time today with some miscellaneous junk.
1. Ever wonder how many favorite links you have saved? Go to explore. Then to your name. Then to favorites. Right click and click properties. I have 1481 links saved. I check them every day. .... No really!!!!
2. I ran across a file that ended with a file extention of 6yx. So I went HERE to see what kind of file it was. It wasn't anything. File deleted.
3. “Studies in 2004 and 2006 showed that normal subjects exposed to images of frightened faces or faces of people from another race will show increased activity of the amygdala, even if that exposure is subliminal.”
So we're all hard wired to be idiots.
Echelons Above Reality
11 minutes ago
Ted Drewe's.
Around 3.
I'll call.
It's already on the calendar.
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