I couldn't remember if I heard this or I thought this up myself. I did an internet search and came up with nothing. I therefor take credit for a new quote. This quote says that nobody can know everything.
"A true expert knows they're not."
Mike - BVN
the plumbing saga continues...
1 hour ago
I like it.
You should have put the quote in the title. Then, whoever that searches for it in the future will know that you have claimed credit here :)
So does this mean you are back to being a spert?
Question: Why is the word phonetics not spelled the way it sounds?
A - the search engines will pick it up in the body. I found something from lacocran that way.
B - What?
Acronym Definition
SPERT Special Power Excursion
Reactor Test
Genius. You should write a book - you sound like an expert.
I am! No WAIT!!!
Bandit asked the right question. Actually, you may be a "consultant" rather than an "expert." A "consultant" is someone who doesn't know anything more about a topic than you do, he's just better organized and has slides.
vw - calorear: a really hot backside (see "Jennifer Lopez").
So true :)
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