Tuesday, November 17, 2009

977 - I feel much better now.

YEA!!!!!!! We're all normal. Whatever that means. I'm hoping for a lot of comments or I'll feel reaaallly lonely.

CLIG (click it to big it)(a new internet word)



Claudia said...

Being addicted to cyberspace is just one version of normal. There are at least 1,999,999,999 other versions, right? How could you ever feel lonely when you're such an inclusive guy? XXXXX00000

lacochran said...

"We're all normal."

I wouldn't go that far. :)

Jay said...

How can I be a "loner" when I'm interacting with a hundred people on twitter every night. While sitting alone in my apartment. ;-)

Bilbo said...

What la said.

vw: voilit - French stories about you.

Amanda said...

The internet was one of my only lifelies out of loner-hood in Palembang!

Mike said...

C - Close - 5,999,999,999

LA - I know, it's a stretch.

J - It's turning out to be a lot of work being alone.

B - What I said to LA.

A - So, now that you have high speed internet, you don't need it? Yeah you do, you still need us.

J.M. Tewkesbury said...

My ex once said, in response to the question, "What's normal"?, "Normal is our continual propensity to choose the mediocre."

With a stupid definition like that, I'll take A.B. Normal any day!

Mike said...

JMT - You're quoting your ex? That's not normal.