Thursday, December 10, 2009

1000 - I got nothin'

I should do a special 1000th post. ........ Maybe not.


Bilbo said...

When I did my 1000th post, I didn't have much of a reaction from anyone. Your approach is probably okay.

bandit said...

Are you familiar with Geshwin's musical "Porgy and Bess?" One of the great songs from it was "I Got Plenty 'o Nuttin".....and nuttins plenty for me. I got no car, got no mule, got no misery..........

Porgy was a black legless man who pushed himself around on a square cart.

That's all I got.

John A Hill said...


lacochran said...

You? With nothing to say? Who woulda thunk it.

Congrats on 1000!

Jay said...

Congrats on #1,000.

As I was building up towards my 1,000th post I kept thinking that I should do something big. Like a giveaway or something.

I didn't do anything special.

Claudia said...

At least attempt to entertain us. There's a really hilarious video on Yahoo of a guy getting trapped in his baby's crib.