Wednesday, December 02, 2009

992 - Title

Ever have a bad job? Here's a list of the supposed ten worst. Guys, when you go to this site just read the article. Don't look at any of the pictures or click on any links. You to girls.

It's too late to claim job #8, GW Bush already has it.




The Mistress of the Dark said...

I'm pretty sure my job should be in there somewhere.

Bandit said...

Linda's daughter is getting her PHD in animal science. She did #8.

Frank ate your free wings.

Bandit said...

John, were you in the tower when S. Palin landed there?

Jay said...

I've done the restaurant dish washer thing. It's a very physical and tiring job. But, I got free meals out of it.

Also, I've taken the plant tour at a poultry processing plant. Nasty, NASTY work!

Bilbo said...

All of a sudden, the Pentagon doesn't look so bad. Probably somewhere around 6.5.

rachaelgking said...

"Barnyard Masturbator"!!!


Amanda said...

Imagine being one of these people and filling out the 'Occupation' field on forms.