I found this picture on FAILBLOG.
So I thought I would try to find it myself on Google maps. But where to look. There's not enough info on the failblog picture. Well maybe. I looked up Eagle Point Dr. on Google maps and came up with about 10 sites. But none of them looked like the map in the picture.
So I did some searching on some of the other road names in the picture and found Gibson, Arkansas. With the name Eagle Point Dr. removed from the map. All the subdivision street names have been removed. But if you go on Google earth streetview and look at a street near the burning house you can see the smoke. But the streetview for the burning house has been removed.
I'm surprised they just didn't photoshop a new house in place of the burning one.
Cleaning House
5 hours ago
1 comment:
I always thought that those streetviews were taken at a single time and then left there for months until the Google people decide to drive around and take another set of photos.
Never realized the manipulated it as frequently.
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