I thought I would pass this simple trick along to my fellow bloggers. Do you ever wonder why on some sites a new window opens up when you click on a link? Here's the trick - <.a href="http://www.newsitesURL.com" target="_blank">Name of new URL<./a> .
I put the dots after the arrow (<.) so the system wouldn't pick it up as actual code.
So the target="_blank" inserted in the href statement opens a new window. That way you don't lose people (like me) that will follow links until they forgot where they came from.
And probably not last or least, it's another forward/backward day - 012210.
(I can't wait for 013310!!!)
Heaven is hotter than Hell
1 hour ago
HEY! I thought this was pretty funny. No comments? Here's some other funny stuff.
I always had slow screen response at times. I thought it was just to much junk on my hard drive. What I figured out was that it was to many hard drives. I had a USB hard drive hooked up for backup. I disconnected it and presto, back to normal. Whatever normal is.
It would be handy if blogger would just make all links open in a new window or tab by default. When you use the "compose" mode and highlight something and click "link" it should open in a new window. That would be handy. You should suggest that to them.
Until then, always remember that "open in new tab" is always available too. ;-)
J - It's been so long since I right clicked on a link I forgot all about the 'open in a new tab' option. What's old is new again. For me anyway.
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