Are you up for a good Monday morning conspiracy theory? I followed a link to a link and found the Bilderberg conspiracy. It seems powerful people from all over the world have been getting together and conspiring to rule the world. Here's a link to wikipedia which gives you a little bit of a balanced view of the Bilderberg Group.
Bilderberg Group
But if you really want to see what somebody does when they have too much time on their hands you need to go to the link below. And when it comes up scroll down to the bottom and realize that all the underlined and highlighted words are other links. Think about the investment of time put in on this site. And the guy says he maintains the site IN HIS SPARE TIME. WHAT spare time.
Conspiracy site
Don't give up. Keep scrolling!!
"Gated reverb" explained
42 minutes ago
So are these guys worse than the Illuminati?
J - Can you imagine if Bilderberg and the Illuminati join forces!! The HORROR!
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