Majority wins!
I'm not sure. Can I get back to you on that?
That's it! It's not my fault. It's the dentist's fault!
I saw a comedy special that addressed this very subject. Sinbad (not the sailor) said what I've thought all along. If you want the seat down then you're going to take a chance on sitting on a sticky seat.
This sounds like my kind of exercise program.
Here's cartoon number six. I was going to post seven of them tonight. I had the other one right here ..... somewhere .....
Fresh Magic
46 minutes ago
Heehee...needed a smile this early in the morning...Thank you!
#2 was drawn after my last checkup.
like the last one...getting to be a larger slice of the pie all the time!
What John said...For me and Linda
Beryl - It's always go to go to sleep with a smile on your face, for whatever reason.
Bilbo - Have you decided yet?
John - When you get rid of the working slice the looking slice just gets bigger.
Bandit - What I said to John - for you and Linda.
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