Here's a short post.
Here's where a picture of a short post was supposed to be. Google search on 'short post' turned up ... nothing. Try short pole. Nothing. Try short wooden post. Pretty much nothing but I can't pass up using this.
I guess there's a short post in there somewhere.
So where was I going? ..... Oh YEAH! I was going to send you away. My daughter sent me a link on facebook which linked to a site about emails. Funny back and forth emails. Bookmark this. You won't have time to read all them right now.
Missy the missing cat.
Timing is Everything
3 hours ago
I know I totally give my twisted self away when I say I read the whole damn thing and laughed my ass off.
Short pole. Ha, ha, ha.
Is that the U. S. capitol building in the baackground? If it is, that would be some real irony. They can do that to us but you can't do it to them.
i just read the exchange about Missy. That guy is very clever and funny. I was laughing out loud. you scrolled down and he came up with something else to aggrivate that lady.
Back to the picture. I guess it's ok for women to go there.
3 B's leave comments. Now I have to type whole names! This is getting to be to much work!
Beryl - You put in some time if you read all those emails.
Bilbo - Some stickmen just don't have it.
Bandit - I guess it could be the capitol and the sign for foreign tourists.
Bandit - I think missy is still missing.
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