Everyone's talking about crazy Islamists right now. Not the sane 99%, but the crazy 1% that every group has in it's midst.
I have a new neighbors. He's a Pittsburgian and she's Pakistani, and Muslim. Unless you ask her you would not know what religion she is. I quizzed her on her thoughts about Pakistan - ehhh. How about Islam and the burka thing - ehhh. So she's just like most people that call themselves Christians but when pressed about the pomp and circumstance you get - ehhhh.
So what about the scary muslim 1%? Well when you're brain washed into thinking the way to heaven is to kill yourself, it's kind of hard to fight that. I have a cartoon in an old post that makes fun of the leaders that don't kill themselves but talk dumb kids into doing it. If you find it let me know where it is will you?
I could go into my theories on the mosque at the WTC site but why rewrite something that somebody else wrote HERE.
The Last Time You Changed
37 minutes ago
I have several cartoons on that theme. When I have time to dig them out of the collection, I'll e-mail them to you. I'm writing on this topic today, too.
I don't really care what religion a person practices. As long as they don't come knocking on my door and want to tell me all about while I'm trying to watch TV in the evening, they're welcome to worship any way they want or build their churches/mosques/synagogues whatever where they want.
B - I was just to lazy to go back through my posts to try and find mine.
J - Or 'harass' you for being the wrong religion.
*shakes head*
I just really think that staying true to the foundations this country was built on is FAR more important than how close to the WTC site a Muslim Community Center/Mosque is built.
Correction: Not Pittsburghian. More like Philadelphian, but actually from a small town in eastern Pennsylvania. They met through work in Kansas City. Lots of people meeting through work these days, unlike 50 years ago when women were not too welcome in professions, let alone working outside the home. The most impressive things about our new friend from Pakistan is her openness, warmth, hospitality and sense of humor. She exemplifies the best of all religious ways of living.
Hate appears in many forms, and ironically hate appears in the form of religious purity. Purity defined as what people see it as. I loathe organized religion and those who use it as red meat for the masses. Here's to your new neighbors. Cheers Mike!!
C - Yes dear. Hey I was close! And they both start with a P. (insert joke here)
MM - Have you online ordained yourself yet? You can start your own religion and save people from themselves. I hear there's lots of money to be made doing that.
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