Free money. For doing what? Not farming.
A local CBS station did an expose' on the farm subsidy program. It seems a group has created a website were you can look up by zipcode who is getting farm subsidies.
I live in the suburbs of St. Louis. There's not to many farms around here. I put in my zipcode. 320 people have gotten farm subsidies in the last ten years. A few for just one year but most for all ten.
Go see if any of your neighbors are farmers. And if they are real farmers see how much of the government dole they're getting.
48 minutes ago
sign me up!
I'm reminded of the song by Dire Straits - "Money for Nothing." I'm with John.
Maybe they are getting their subsidies for their farmville farms!
I'd like that pink tractor thanks!
I live smack dab in the middle of Midwest farming - corn and soybeans.
My small zip code had 228 farmers receiving subsidies. The top earner? $ 1,028,634.54 over 10 years.
And living in Podunk? I know about 80% of the top 40 subsidy earners.
894 people have received over 16,000,000 dollars in subsidies in my zip code.
And you know what? They're almost all republicans/Tea Partiers who protest government handouts.
J - Next Sunday ask everyone to donate all their subsidies to the church.
B - How many "farmers" did you have?
MD - Maybe that's our way into the system.
A - I just googled tractor and that's one of the pictures that showed up.
D - Shines a new light on things doesn't it?
J - Surprise surprise ... not.
I forgot to add my zipcodes total of 3.2 million dollars. Also I've added this link to my 'other links' sidebar.
That's a fascinating website! 33914 is entirely urban but it has 62 recipients. Drill down and you see the subsidies are often paid out from counties far away, in different states... and sometimes multiple locations for one recipient. But I couldn't find the checkbox that says "this is a Tea Party hypocrite"... Jay must be better at this interweb thingie than me :)
BC - I think Jay just knows the area he lives in. Same for me. My zipcode is mostly conservative.
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