Sunday, January 09, 2011

1392 - Tat

What did I do yesterday? Remember the picture below?

Yes this is becoming my 'I did Habitat' picture. No rafters yesterday, sealing and siding. The day started off with spray cans of foam sealant. But I came dressed for outside. You see the wind chill was predicted to be 4 degrees (-17C). So being inside was makin' me HOT! I shed as many clothes as I could but finally gave in and went outside.

Even thought it was about 20 degrees we were working on the siding in the sun and it wasn't really all that bad. Especially since I was dressed for the occasion. So I spent the rest of the day on a ladder and walkboard 10 feet in the air. I had a nice view from up there.



Dianne said...

Bravo to you for all the wonderful work you do

Plus, I always knew you were a really hot muscled black man

Mike said...

D - I can go with the hot and muscled. But all the sun does is turn me pink.

Raquel's World said...

It's so great that you do that.