Saturday, January 29, 2011

1412 - How long?

Just curious. How long do you spend putting a post together? I try to put the least amount of time possible.



Bilbo said...

My average post takes about 30-45 minutes. On a typical day, I start writing it at about 4:50AM and finish about 5:30. Cartoon Saturdays take a bit longer.

lacochran's evil twin said...

Often ~20 minutes but sometimes months from the time I start a post until I pick it up again, finish it and post it.

Candice said...

Only slightly longer than you. ;)

Dianne said...

on average about 20 minutes
not counting time uploading photos
I start a lot and go back and edit and revise

I could never post every single day

John A Hill said...

Uhmm...been too long since I've posted to really remember.

Guess I need to do something about that.

Mike said...

All - Thanks for the info. Althought I REALLY did want to know that info, one person caught the subtle side of my post.