Friday, February 04, 2011

1419 - Analyze

Google analytics has some interesting stats for this blog. Here's the posts that get hit most after the main page. I know, it drops off rapidly. And these must be hits from outside Blogger. Plus the recentness of most of them makes me suspicious of their accuracy.

1. main page
2. /2009/11/979-charlton-hestons-basement.html 208
3. /2010/10/1308-alien-women-invading-earth.html 32
4. /2010/01/1040-kitchen-sayings.html 9
5. /2011/01/1398-nothing.html 9
6. /2010/03/1081-rumors.html 8



The Mistress of the Dark said...

My number one hit post is 101 things to do with Justin Hayward.

You'd be amazed at how humorless Moody Blues fans are.

Schmoop said...

What the hell were you doing in Chuck Heston's basement? Cheers Mike!!

Raquel's World said...

Well it is an interesting title. It makes you wonder what or who is in that basement.

Jay said...

My biggest traffic draw is and always will be "Giada de Laurentiis Boobs" Which I'm totally fine with.

Bilbo said...

My all-time biggest post was "The Periodic Table of Awesoments," back on August 10, 2008, with more than 700 hits. Not in the same league with Jay's "Giada de Laurentiis Boobs," although they may have been on the Periodic Table, I don't remember. I believe I remember "Charlton Heston's Basement"...that was the one that looked like the armory for an average third world country, except bigger.