Wednesday, March 23, 2011

1466 - Spring time

It's spring time. Everything's blooming. Well not everything. I kept meaning to get a picture of this tree before it bloomed. It's an American (I forgot) tree. It has very fine branches that I think look cool before it leafs out.

The magnolia is just getting into full bloom. But I'm afraid this years blooms will be short lived. It's supposed to get cold again by the end of the week and that will drop the flowers like a rock.

The forthysia has been out about a week.

And the 'I can't remember the name' bush is in bloom.

And I still have this to deal with. Left over from the winter storms.

And then this is starting to grow. It's called GRASS!!!!!!!


Amanda said...

You've got all these trees in your garden? Nice!

Bandit said...

We had one of those bushes. Linda says it's a rose of sharon.

Schmoop said...

My young man's fancy is turning to love. Cheers Mike!!

Mike said...

A - This is just the early bloom stuff. I'll go out and count the trees. I haven't done that in awhile.

B - It's not that. We have Rose of Sharon along a fence line. They bloom later in the year.

MM - You need to keep an eye on that Ryno guy.