Sunday, April 03, 2011

1477 - CPR

CPR - Couch potatoes rejoice!!!! That right. Here's a few lines from an article called 'When Exercise Is Too Much of a Good Thing'.

None of the younger athletes or the older nonathletes had fibrosis in their hearts. But half of the older lifelong athletes showed some heart muscle scarring.

That's right. Too much exercise is bad for you. At least that's what I'm going to interpret from the article!


Blogger formatting problems are turning into a pain in the butt. It seems that if you switch between 'edit html' and 'compose', you lose the paragraph formatting. 'Edit html' to 'preview' and back works OK. 'Compose' to 'preview' and back screws things up.

So the trick is to stay away from compose. But that's hard to do if you want to use colors or different size fonts.

So what to do. I guess have notepad open and cut and paste back and forth. Some help information on blogger says to stay away from Word because it has hidden formatting tags that can get dragged into blogger. Notepad is safer.



Bilbo said...

I don't have the problem you describe with switching back and forth between 'edit html' and 'compose.' I do, however, have huge problems (still) with extraneous html code that appears when I copy passages from other documents or insert pictures (as on Cartoon Saturday). It seems like half my time in creating a post is taken up with rooting out strange sections of code that magically appear and cause Blogger to petulantly accuse me of using 'forbidden' code elements. And they're right about not copying from MS-Word ... every time I try to copy from one of my Word docs on file, I end up having to root out insane amounts of odd formatting codes - it's easier just to retype the whole thing.

Jay said...

I type up my posts in Open Office and then copy/paste them into word. I do all my links and photo there too. So, I can usually just copy/paste and I'm done.

Although, sometimes I wait and use blogger to upload the pics. I used to use Photobucket, but now if someone finds one of my pics using Google and clicks on it, they go to photobucket instead of my blog. Screw that. ;-)

Mike said...

B - Retype the whole thing? You must be a touch typer. Being a peck typer myself I need every shortcut I can find.

J - Exactly screw that!