Bilbo has been bashing the wingnuts for the last few days on his blog. Well I turned on the TV yesterday right as Charlie Rose was starting to interview Cory Booker, the Mayor of Newark. If anybody seems to have a sense of 'the middle' it seems to be Booker.
I've never seen Booker before so my impression of him is based on this 26 minute clip. But it is Charlie Rose quizzing him, not some preformed political BS speech.
I like watching politicians in this type of format because you see more of their real personality as compared to the political speech circuit. Based on this interview I think I've found our next president.
And no it's not a still picture of Booker while Rose is introducing him. I've never seen someone hold perfectly still for as long as Booker did at the beginning of the tape.
Cory Booker on Charlie Rose.
2 minutes ago
He seems like a pretty impressive guy. I read an article about how he used Twitter to communicate w/ people of Newark during a big blizzard. People would tweet him to tell him where power was out or where vehicles were stuck in the road, and he'd dispatch help to them. That's being responsive to your people!
J - Very responsive!
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