Friday, May 20, 2011

1524 - GOP health plan

Watch the short video first. Then read the short article.




Raquel's World said...

I'm sure that was not the intent....But although sad that video is Funny As Hell. I'm gonna link to it.
Okay, Now I'll go read the article.

Mike said...

RW - If you can't cry you have to laugh..... NO WAIT! You have to laugh or you'll cry.

Bilbo said...

It's so refreshing to see an adult, fact-based discussion about Medicare reform.

Mike said...

B - Adult conversations in politics?

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I'm screwed. By the time I am the age of retirement there will be no social security and no health care.
Reform or remove?

Mike said...

M - Hey, the world is coming to an end tomorrow anyway so there's nothing to worry about.