Monday, June 13, 2011

1548 - Title, I forgot a title... Oh well.

Here are some fun customer contacts from Not Always Right....


Phoning, But There Is Nobody Home
Call Center

Me: “So, I need to get you off your cell phone so we can put a lock code on it. Then people can’t use it without your permission.”

Customer: “Okay. That would be good.”

Me: “Do you have another line I can call you on?”

Customer: “My boyfriend’s phone is right here.”

Me: “What’s his number?”

(She gives me the number.)

Me: “Okay. I’m going to call you on his phone. Don’t hang up until we get on that line.”

(I put her on hold and call the phone. Nobody answers. I check back on her.)

Me: “Ma’am, I think I have that number wrong. Can you give it to me again?”

(She gives me the exact same number.)

Me: “Okay. I called you on that number and nobody answered.”

Customer: “Well, it rang but I didn’t answer it. I wasn’t sure who was calling.”

Home Is Where The Brain Isn’t
Long Island, NY, USA

(A guest picks up the house phone in the hallway. The call goes directly to the front desk.)

Me: “Front desk, how may I help you?”

Guest: *confused and disappointed* “Oh. The sign said ‘house phone’. I thought it would…um…call my house.”

Me: *seriously dumbfounded*

Guest: “I guess not.” *click*

Receipt Cheat
Fast Food, Restaurant

Customer: “I thought that your tacos were 79 cents today.”

Me: “Yes, ma’am, they are. If you’ll look at the bottom of your receipt, it’ll show you that the price was discounted.”

Customer: “But it says $1.09 here, not 70 cents. You did this wrong.”

Me: “Ma’am, if you’ll notice the bottom of the receipt, it has a negative amount. That means that much was taken off of the price of tacos.”

(The customer looks lower on the receipt and becomes indignant.)

Customer: “What? I don’t owe you 90 cents!”

Me: “No, ma’am, you don’t. That just says that’s how much was taken off the tacos to make them 79 cents.”

Customer: “But you charged me $1.09. It clearly says that your tacos today are 79 cents.”

Me: “Ma’am, can I see your receipt?”

(I take the receipt, and use a pen to mark out the price and put in $0.79 on it.)

Customer: “Oh! That looks better. Thanks so much.”

Part-Time, Double-Time
London, England, UK

(I am working in a pub with two public entrances: it has one small side entrance and another on the main street on the opposite wall. A 20 year-old girl enters through the side entrance and approaches the counter.)

Customer: “Hi. I’m looking for a part-time job.”

Me: “I’m sorry, but we don’t need staff at the moment.”

(The girl leaves through the same entrance, walks around the building, walks in through the other door, and approaches the bar.)

Customer: “Hi. I’m looking for a part-time job.”

Stressing About The Blessing
Clothing Store
Darlington, UK

(A customer sneezes.)

Me: “Bless you.”

Customer: “You wouldn’t bless me if you knew what I’ve done.”

You know - 6/13!!!!


Raquel's World said...

Taco one was the best.

Mike said...

RW - Sometimes the not so obvious yet obvious works.

Charlene said...

I'm imagining how many people I've said "bless you" who didn't deserve being blesses!

Mike said...

C - That's why I don't say it anymore.