Saturday, June 18, 2011

1553 - Real Men of Genius

How much time do you have today? 60 seconds? I've got you covered. Just watch this one video. More than that? Click on the video title which will take you to youtube. There you will find tons more of these. I spent about a half an hour and I didn't watch them all.

I think this is one of the better ones.



Charlene said...

I laughed so hard the cat thinks I just had a seizure. SMILE

Mike said...

C - I had never heard the radio ones before.

desert rat said...

That is HILARIOUS! And here I was wondering what to do between now and Happy Hour! You've made my day!

Mike said...

DR - You can stay busy for a long time watching all these.

Knight said...

Ah yeah I remember this campaign. When I was working in the ad world we used to play these all the time. Something smells delicious.

Mike said...

K - 'Something smells delicious' - That would be my skin frying.