Every once in awhile I refer back to some researching I did on gender identity. Then I find an article that makes things even fuzzier than I thought they were to begin with. Here's an article that I've been holding onto for awhile. It's from 2010. But it's good reading. It helps explain why some people feel like they do and how the granite head's that live in a black and white world want to "fix" them.
The third sex: The truth about gender ambiguity
In the article they mention a syndrome called PAIS or Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. Well it turns out that there is also Complete AIS and Mild AIS. So that's three versions of the syndrome. But the following article says there may be up to seven versions.
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
Which brings us back to what I looked up originally. Go to the bottom of the post for the other links.
POST 388
March Full Moon Altar: Kwan Yin
1 hour ago
This is pretty fascinating stuff. Well, I find it fascinating because I'm really a petite 18 year old Asian girl pretending to be a middle-aged white man on the internet.
Wait. That's not what your talking about is it?
Mike, I find this kind of stuff fascinating. Way back when I was an undergrad, one of my professors was studying the endocrinological differences in rats exhibiting homo-sexual tendencies, and in genetics we were studying the failure of the Y chromosome to instigate the production of testosterone in-utero during fetal development, thus resulting in a genetic male with a female physiological expression. Because my career took a different path, I did not keep up with the on-going research, but it is astounding. Billions of versions of normal, indeed!
Also makes me think of "Pat" on Saturday Night Live - I name all the spiders in my house Pat.
IWS - I really wish that were true.
DR - It just drives me crazy when the granite heads try and put people in little boxes so they can make sense of life.
hate the boxes... i don't get why anybody has to be labeled as anything... wtf? how we look (i.e., male, female, androgynous)? why does it matter? it's what's inside that matters - although, i'm smart enough to realize that not everyone thinks that way, so i try to take care of my packaging - if that makes sense - because people make a lot of snap judgments based on one's appearance - wrong but true. oh, my, am i rambling again? sorry.
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