Win by losing
After reading "Obama plunges into high-stakes debt limit talks" (June 25), the Republican Party's 2012 election strategy becomes crystal clear. Republicans cannot succeed unless President Barack Obama fails, and the easy way to make sure that it appears that the president is failing is to make sure that the country and most Americans are hurting as much as possible leading up to the 2012 elections.
If anyone disagrees, he only need to remember what Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said after the Republican gains in 2010: "The single most important thing we want to accomplish is to make President Obama a one-term president."
Most mainstream economists acknowledge that now is not the time to reduce government expenditures drastically. With individual and business spending low, only government spending is keeping the economy from reverting to recession. Many economists argue that government spending should be increased. An infrastructure program that begins to rebuild bridges, highways and schools would put people back to work, giving them money to spend and, more important, income on which to pay taxes.
Businesses don't need more tax cuts; they need customers with money to spend.
There is no question that the long-term deficit must be reduced, but not today while millions of Americans still are struggling.
To address the deficit and the debt limit increase, Republicans are determined to cut government spending for the middle class, the poor, seniors, the unemployed, the uninsured, students and teachers. They will not even discuss asking the most fortunate Americans, corporations, oil and insurance companies, the Pentagon and Wall Street to sacrifice along with the middle class and the poor. If tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy lead to more jobs, why have eight years of Bush-era tax cuts not led to millions of jobs?
It's clear that Republicans are willing to let most Americans suffer continued unemployment and economic distress so that they can argue that Mr. Obama has failed. They are more than willing to let the middle class and the poor endure continued suffering. Big business and the most well-off Americans will be asked only to endure continued tax cuts.
John ...........
going to have to look for an online copy of this so that I can post it on FB. Thumbs up to your other friend John
J - John can write a good editorial.
It sickens me that the Republicans (or anyone, really) thinks this way. They don't give shit one about the masses, only their own agendas. Here we face budget cuts that support important programs like the public library, meals on wheels, elder care - you know, the folks that "don't really matter." Then our Republican governor can blame it on the Obama administration. I miss Janet. (Oh, I'm in AZ - but I think you knew that.)
Excellent editorial by John!
DR - John is an excellent wordsmith.
I think I may have found my long-lost twin brother.
vw: innyak - the airport shuttle at the Holiday Inn in Lhasa.
You and John could probably talk endlessly for hou.... days.
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