Wednesday, July 13, 2011

1578 - OW OW OW

Well it was on my local news. Was it on yours?

Man's penis cut off, put through garbage disposal

I think this guy will never want to hear the sound of a garbage disposal again.

That said I think this female should get just as long a jail sentence as some guy that rapes a woman gets. This is the same kind of crime. It's not about sex, it's about power. She had it for a few minutes. She's going to lose it for the rest of her life (I hope).

There's not much information in the story about the 'why' of the assault. I'm sure we're going to hear two different versions of what lead up to this.

It's today. Friday the 13th.


John A Hill said...

appropriately labeled: Crazy stuff!

Bilbo said...

Sounds like the famous Lorena Bobbitt case here in Virginia some years back. Ouch.

Amanda said...

I often read about this type of crime happening in Thailand but lucky for the men there, garbage disposal units aren't a common household item yet.

I'm With Stupid said...

Ha!! A friend of mine posted this story to my Facebook page last night. Good stuff. Cheers Mike!!


Raquel's World said...


Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

No one really deserves this do they? Dear Lord this woman better pay! Yikes!

Mike said...

J - Crazy indeed.

B - They used the Bobbitt story as a lead in for this news story.

A - Remind me not to go to Thailand.

IWS - This will be in the news for awhile.

RW - Is that the sound of a disposal?

M - You know she'll get out of this some way.

I'm With Stupid said...

Well, if we can't get Casey to join the IWS team, we'll take a run at this chick!


Knight said...

She obviously has no respect for her household appliances.

Mike said...

IWS - Of course you'll have her report to Bagwine for the taping, right?

K - I never thought of it like that but your right! But also maybe you can work this plot into your movie, eh?