Before we go into the new health tips, here's some old health tips that started out the article.
•You can lose weight by paying for groceries with cash; turns out, you're more likely to buy unhealthy foods if you pay with a credit card.
•Taking a vitamin D supplement fortifies your muscles, making them less prone to injury.
•Flirting at work is a hidden sign that your job isn't right for you.
•Google is making us forgetful, because we're less likely to try to remember information that we know is readily accessible.
I'm going to google these to see if they're true. In the mean time here are 9 new health tips.
Live Longer by Changing Your Name
People with "positive" initials—ones that spell out things like J.O.Y. or W.O.W.—live nearly 4-1/2 years longer than people with neutral initials, according to a University of California, San Diego study. D.U.D.'s live nearly three years less. Other initials that may shorten life: I.L.L. and D.E.D. My initials are RMS. Exciting right?! What do they mean? Root Mean Square. I'm a quadratic mean.
Keep Your Mind Sharper by Being a Jerk
Research from the U.S. Administration on Aging suggests there's a marked difference between how younger and older people interpret misplacing their car keys. A young guy usually blames someone else. An old man typically blames himself. Never use your age as an excuse—you'll remain sharper longer. Everybody should remember that I'm going to remember this.
Break a High Fever With Your Armpits
Anything up to 102°F is mild and can be treated by drinking plenty of fluids. But to quickly bring down a reading above that, put an ice pack under your arm or near your groin. Icing either spot will cool your body's core. It's uncomfortable, but it works fast. Then see a doctor.Somebody try that ice on the groin thing and get back to us on how it works.
Prevent Claustrophobia by Smelling This Fruit
If you get nervous in small spaces such as subways, elevators, and that closet of an office they stuck you in, visit your local fruit stand. A sniff of green apple may help relieve claustrophobic sensations, says Dr. Alan Hirsch, M.D., director of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation. Carry one with you. Also, if you're selling your house, placing a basket of fresh green apples on the table may make potential buyers perceive the house as larger.
Disinfect a Wound with Honey
No Neosporin in the house? Dab the cut with honey before covering it with a bandage. Believe it or not, honey has powerful antibacterial properties. A study in the Archives of Surgery found that honey is capable of destroying almost all strains of the most common wound-infecting bacteria.
Stop Bleeding with This Spice
Next time you nick yourself in the kitchen, reach for the black pepper, says Roberta Lee, M.D., vice chair of the department of integrative medicine at the Beth Israel Medical Center. Run cold water over the wound to clean it, using soap if you were handling meat. Then sprinkle on the pepper and apply pressure. In no time, the bleeding will stop. Turns out, black pepper has analgesic, antibacterial, and antiseptic properties. And don't worry—it won't sting.
See Your Tailor to Cure Back Pain
If you have an aching back, it may be because one of your legs is shorter than the other, says Steven McCaw, Ph.D., a researcher at Illinois State University. Even a slight imbalance can cause the spine to curve to the short side when you walk or run. Eventually, the bend puts painful pressure on disks. Most people can’t tell if their legs are different lengths, but a tailor can. Ask one for a quick measurement. If he finds an imbalance, correct the problem with a therapeutic, Dr. Scholl-type insert or see a podiatrist for a custom-made orthotic.
Massage Away Nicotine Cravings
If you’re a smoker who’s trying to quit, try this simple trick the next time a craving hits: Rub the skin between your index fingers and thumbs and the center of your palms. A study in Preventive Medicine found that men using this technique smoked 25 percent fewer cigarettes in a month than 10 quitters who used traditional distraction methods such as chewing gum. The quick self-massage evidently calms you and keeps your hands busy.
Drink This to Lower Your Cholesterol
The fiber supplement Metamucil can help lower elevated cholesterol levels. In one study, men who took one packet mixed in water before each meal for eight weeks experienced drops in LDL cholesterol averaging 7 percent. Metamucil also helps to lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and the risk of heart disease, according to the National Fiber Council.
I'll google all these and tell you if google knows if these are true or not. Then you can google them to check my googling.
4 hours ago
As always, fascinating stuff! I googled my initials and it wasn't pretty. I'm not gonna let that get me down, though. I'm going to compensate by being extra jerk-like. Maybe I'll go kick someone's cane or curse at the television set in the common room. Naww... I'll just make fun of young girls' outfits in my head.
"Google is making us forgetful, because we're less likely to try to remember information that we know is readily accessible." I think this one is true, but not just as a function of Google. I've read several studies that appear to show that our powers of memory are diminishing as a result of dependence on electronic devices that store information we used to remember (telephone numbers, addresses, birthdays, etc). As for keeping the mind sharper by being a jerk, there should be a lot of supremely sharp Republicans out there...
DR - Compensation can be fun.
B - What?
"Flirting at work is a hidden sign that your job isn't right for you" job suits me well
I'm trying out that fever one. Aaron has had a temperature for nearly 4 days now. I'll tell you if it works.
A - If you ice his groin don't tell him you heard about it from me.
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