Wednesday, August 10, 2011

1606 - PEW

Charts and graphs. I love 'em. Here's some from the Pew research center. Look at the headings at the top of the page. Look at the subheadings that are different for each heading. CHARTS AND GRAPHS!!!!

Go HERE to access everything. Yes you have to take a little test first to find out 'where you fit', but it's only a few questions. (loaded questions)



Bilbo said...

Hmmm...the survey says I'm a "post-modern," but as I read the description, I'm not quite sure how I ended up there. And yes, the questions are loaded, in typical current black-white/either-or fashion.

I'm With Stupid said...

I love charts and graphs. I keep telling president Obama to use them when he speaks to the country and he keeps ignoring me.


Mike said...

B - With questions like they had I would think it would be really hard to hit the middle.

J - I'll have a talk with him next time I see him.