Read this.
NOEL, Mo. - A dispute over prayer time for Muslim workers at a Tyson Food plant in Noel has been tentatively resolved.
About 130 Muslim workers, many of whom are Somali refugees, walked off the job at the plant in Friday because of the dispute.
Muslims are required to pray five times a day at specific times. The Joplin Globe reports that one of the times is 5 p.m., which was the time most in dispute between employees and a new management team at the plant.
The workers returned to the job on Monday after a tentative agreement with management allowed prayer time.
The Globe reports that Tyson officials and workers met Monday afternoon and agreed to negotiate a long-term solution.
Well what do you think? 'I' think that you shouldn't take a job if your personal life is going to interfere with the job. I'm really surprised the company is putting up with this. There must be more to this. Like the workers are getting poverty wages and these are the only people the company can get to do the job so they have to make concessions.
I'm going to start a religion that requires the middle eastern governments to supply me with an endless supply of cash. Anybody what to join?
An entirely new genus, in the "daisy" family
27 minutes ago
Mike for president! No ... wait ... I'm going to be president. Mike for Secretary of Labor!
B - I don't want to be president. I going for Grand Poobaa.
The workers are probably all illegals who have been brought here against their will. Or something.
J - I think the 'or something' just about covers it. Or not.
So, it's okay to have Sunday off for Christians but everybody else is SOL?
LET - Sunday off for religious reasons bit the dust a long time ago.
LET - Sunday off for religious reasons bit the dust a long time ago.
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