Well I tried to post some pictures and got 'internal error'. So much for pictures today. Off to another topic.
So I find this note to myself in my blog file.
Google search results, total number, just type "www.mysite.com" to Google (www.mikenet707.blogspot.com)
So I do this to see what happens since the note was entered a long time ago. Hey, 12,600 hits.
Hey wait, I forgot the quotes. Oh oh, six results. But wait, what's this?
I'm one of 67 referring web sites for cynicalbstd.blogspot.com. What if I put my website in the URL? Crap, 7 sites. I know there should be more than that but since I don't know when this count was taken, who knows how correct it is?
But this site has some interesting info on it. Look at this.
Anchor text pointing to this site:
1. 12:01 am
2. 1343 - consumers union
3. 1344 - home sweet home
4. 1345 - hands
5. 1346 - bots
6. 1347 - grocery carts
7. atom
8. billions of versions of normal
9. blogging
10. cartoons
11. computer stuff
12. crazy stuff
13. fascinating info
14. games
15. goofy stuff
16. government
17. home
18. it's a guy thing
19. jokes and funny stuff
20. links to this post
21. media
22. mike
23. mind and body
24. misc
25. music
What does this mean? Again I haven't got a clue. But it's interesting to know that there's is this kind of information out there on everybody.
Go to http://www.sitedossier.com to start your fact finding expedition.
(great, I just found out I have a spelling error on one of my blogger labels)
56 minutes ago
Hmm .. Interesting. I may have to play with this some.
I entered IWSRadio into site dossier and it said ZERO! I'm crushed and devastated, but I'll get over it. At least as long as the hundreds of hits a day keep coming from Reddit.com, anyway.
J - I think this said it was a beta site. I wonder if they are even collecting info anymore?
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