Sunday, October 30, 2011

1685 - What?

I think I've mentioned that 'Not Always Right' has spun off 'Not Always Romantic'. I have both links on the sidebar. This one is from 'Not Always Romantic'. This happens to me now in noisy places. I can't wait for the future.

Til Deaf Do Us Part
home | New York, USA | Golden Years, Marriage
(My mom is deaf in one ear, so she can’t hear very well. My dad takes advantage for fun, but he’s starting to go deaf too.)

Mom: *sneezes*

Dad: “Shut up!”

Mom: “Thank you!”

Dad: “You’re welcome. See? This is why I married this woman.”

Me: *stifling a laugh* “Dad, what are you going to do when you start losing your hearing?”

Dad: “Huh?”

Mom: “What?”

Me: “Oh god, never mind. You two are perfect for each other.”

Dad: “Huh?”

Mom: “What’d he say?”

Dad: “What’d you say?”

Mom: “Huh?”

Dad: “What?”

(I slam my head on my desk out of frustration.)

Mom: “Why’s he slamming his head on the table?”

Dad: “I dunno.”

Mom: “What?”


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