My daughter sent me a site that has a lot of "facts". The second one I saw made me go 'What?'. But I checked it out and wikipedia says it's true.
Why do we count with "Arabic Numerals?"
Numbers seem like something you can always count on, but we didn't always have the numerals we use now. Up through the 14th century, Europeans were still doing all their counting with Roman Numerals. Then Arab merchants from North Africa introduced them to a new kind of number that made writing and calculating so much simpler. But the name Arab Numerals is actually a misnomer - they were developed centuries earlier in India! In the Arab world, they are actually known as Hindu Numerals.
The WIKI fact backup.
So how many of these crazy facts does this site provide? 139 if I counted right. So you can keep yourself busy for awhile reading them HERE.
Is that all? Of course not. This site is really a shopping site. A shopping site for odd gifts. The shopping side of this site can keep you busy for a long while. I found a tie that might actually be fun to wear..... maybe. Or you could start a fire with it.
Cute tie eh? Well I found one for Bilbo also. It has all the dead languages on it. It seemed appropriate to me.
Musical Sunday
3 hours ago
That's a way-cool gift site. I'm sending the link to everyone instead of a lame old Christmas wish list.
vw: encrypt - where Dracula spends his days while visiting France.
That tie is the latest style in Bedrock
B - You're going to get some cool stuff this year.
LEW - I knew I'd seen that somewhere before.
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