Thursday, November 17, 2011

1706 - Bite me? Maybe not.

Try to keep up with me here.

I ran across an article on Google news. No really, that's what started me down this path. The article? 'Sex With Animals Linked to Penile Cancer' Now for me this is no concern. I'm not so sure about some of my friends or fellow bloggers. So I thought I'd better investigate.

Actually, the more I read the I thought, "You got cancer from having sex with animals? Serves you right. Too bad". But wait. There's always some interesting information hiding in one of these articles. You know the circumcision debate going on right now? Well how about this..

Circumcision also seems to play an important role in the development of penile cancer in men who have sex with animals. In global populations where the foreskin is removed soon after birth, the rates of penile malignancies are near zero. Uncircumcised men may develop more micro-traumas during sex, according to one theory on why circumcision protects against cancer.

This is the first I've read about this in a purely positive manner. So maybe circumcision isn't so bad after all.

That being said I found a link to another article, '10 surprising sex statistics.' Which lead me to, 'Penis Myths Debunked.'

In the PMD article I ran across this paragraph....

The doctors point out some ancient tried and true methods for penis enlargement, but these aren’t any more comfortable. Indian Sadhus men, for example, use weights to increase their penis length, while the Topamina of Brazil encourage poisonous snakes to bite their penises to get a size boost that lasts six months.

I know I know!!! Which one should I try? But not knowing how much weight would produce a good fast result, maybe I'll just try the snake bite thing. So I try and look up 'Topamina of Brazil' and guess what! Wikipedia doesn't have ANYTHING on them. Do you think it's fake? Is someone posting fake info hoping some dummy tries this? No way. Not on the internet!

So I keep looking for the Topamina and run across this on a Google search.

I don't know why this came up. Maybe she's telling us where the Topamina are located. Who's knows Spanish, or what ever this is. Who is Belinda?



Bilbo said...

I can imagine that you looked a bit ... sheepish ... as you wrote this.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Oh my. There are no words.

Mike said...

B - The sheep would never have to be nervous around me.

M - So is it weights or snakes for Rick?

Bandit said...

There are so many areas here for jokes, puns,etc. The only thing I can say, from personal knowledge, is that weight above said area does not work.

Mike said...

B - As soon as I find out how to get a Topamina snake I'll let you know.