Monday, November 21, 2011

1710 - Bigots abound

Not Always Right seems to have come up with more than it's quota of bigots recently. I found four shake your head customer experiences.


A War Unwon
Mall | Sacramento, CA, USA |
(I am on leave and meeting an old friend in a restaurant inside a mall. Since I don’t know the area, I get there early and decide to window-shop beforehand. An old guy in his 80s approaches me.)

Customer: “I remember the good days when I didn’t have to see many of you orientals. Now, you’re everywhere stealing our jobs. All you do is get in the way and take from my great country.”

Me: “Sir, I’m a Marine. I’ve been in Afghanistan on multiple tours for the last three years. I serve OUR great country.”

Customer: “Oh! That’s good. Better you than losing some American boys.”

(I think about how the Marines trained me to survive everything an enemy can throw at us, but not how to listen to an old racist white man.)

Takes One To Jim Crow One
Video Rental Store | San Jose, CA, USA |
(I work at a movie rental store. Sometimes we have deaf customers. I know some conversational ASL and can usually communicate with the deaf community just fine. A woman and her daughter walk up with a note and place it on the counter and point to it repeatedly.)

Note: “We’re looking for two movies that came out last Tuesday.”

Me: *in ASL* “Hello, yes, what movies?”

Customer, to daughter: “Why does he think I’m deaf?”

Me: “Oh, I’m sorry! Usually our deaf customers write notes to us.”

Customer: “That’s ridiculous! How dare you just assume I’m disabled! It’s ridiculous!”

Me: “I’m terribly sorry. May I ask why you gave me a note instead of asking me verbally?”

Customer: “You’re Asian! How was I supposed to know you knew my language?!”

Fahrenheit 2011
Bookstore | New York, USA | Bookstore
Customer: “That boy is sitting at the corner over there reading your book!”

Me: “I’m sorry, ma’am. Is he bothering you in any way?”

Customer: “No, but he is reading a book that he has not paid for yet. He’s like, almost halfway done!”

Me: “That’s okay, ma’am. We allow our customers to come and read our books here.”

Customer: “Why the h*** do you let people do that?”

Me: “Well, sometimes people want to see if they like how the book is written before spending money on it.”

Customer: “Yeah? Well, poor people shouldn’t be allowed to read!”

Bigot Bait
Retail | Burleson, TX, USA | Top
(I am helping a customer when a red-faced older man walks up and slaps the counter.)

Customer: “Why does [store] have illegals working here?! This is America!”

Me: “Sir, I’m not sure what you’re talking about. If you can just calm down–”

Customer: “Don’t you tell me to calm down! I fought for this country! I didn’t fight so that a bunch Mexicans could take over our country. You need to have someone here who speaks English in [department]!”

Me: “Sir, your language and comments are offensive to me, and I would like you to not speak to me again. I will be happy to get a manager for you, though.”

Customer: “F***ing Mexican lover!”

Customer, to his companion: “Let’s get out of here! Now!”

(I walk over to the department he was referencing. However, the only person there is a customer who just happens to be wearing something similar to our uniform. She smiles at me and says, in perfect English, “I really pissed him off, didn’t I?”)



Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Offensive Monday Morning to you too.

Bandit said...


John A Hill said...

*shakes head and sighs*

wv ering--the tone on your cell phone to indicate that you have an e-mail.

Mike said...

M - The rest of the week can only get better.

B - Crazy people are still out there.

J - You need to fix these people John.

I'm With Stupid said...

Mexican Lover? Who? Me?

Oh hell yeah!


Lizbeth said...

Uggghhh.....sometimes people are just plain STOOPID.

Mike said...

J - Maybe you've got some pictures of those mexicans you love... OH yeah.

L - You would think these people wouldn't exist anymore. You would be wrong.