Here's an article from the New York Times. It's about celiac disease. Sometimes I think I may have a touch of it. So much so I had my doctor test for it. I can't remember the exact test, but say the numbers were below 5, no problem; 5-15, maybe a problem; above 15, problem for sure. I was a 10. right in the middle of not sure.
So I try to watch the gluten I eat and stay away from wheat products and wheat fiber. It seems to have helped. But like most things, nothing is 100%.
Here's something from the article.
Comparing blood samples from the 1950s to the 1990s, Murray found that young people today are nearly five times as likely to have celiac disease...
So your kids are more likely to have problem than you. The article says as many as 1 in 133 people may have some form of celiac disease. That's a lot.
Also from the article...
Anheuser-Busch introduced Redbridge, a gluten-free beer...
Celiacs aren’t the only ones who are grateful. Athletes, in particular, have taken to the diet. Some claim to have more energy when they cut out gluten...
Anyway, it's an interesting article. Celiac disease is something all parents should be on the lookout for these days. And here's a site that has much more gluten free onfo -
Stay In Your Own Lane
6 hours ago
Good Morning Mike!
I too have gluten issues.
I do not have celiac but enough issues when I eat it that I have given it up. My doctor calls it a gluten intolerance.
I feel GREAT when it is completely out of my diet. I don't have celiac type symptoms though. I bloat, swell up, joint issues and depending on the food my tummy will rumble and make noises and sometimes pain.
I was given the dreaded list and it used to take me HOURS to grocery shop using that list. Sure it's easy if you see the word wheat. But there are so many hidden "wheats" Everyone knows the obvious like soy sauce and canned soups but it's things like the term "malt" a huge no-no. Those were the ones that took me a long time to get the hang of. Eating out is just protein and veggies and you pray they don't @#$% that up.
For me it's like the bathtub theory. I may "cheat" (filling up the tub w/water)and eat something with wheat and while it is not a great feeling I can live with it. If I do this a few days in a row the bathtub overflows and then it's misery. Not worth it.
Eating at Ciro's is worth the symptoms - having thanksgiving stuffing is not.
My husband keeps telling me he is gluten free....but is it worth it...tee hee
M - I think gluten intolerance would be a better description of what my doctor was testing for. I cut as much wheat out as I could but not all. It seems to have helped.
the array of gluten free products gets bigger and bigger so at least you have lots of alternatives
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