Company Policy: 'We are not hiring until Obama is gone'
That's what some dumb ass Georgia company owner (U.S. Crane, LLC) put on his trucks. I think this is carrying the hate thing a little to far. What's next. The Dems saying 'If a republican gets elected we're going to quit buying stuff'.
The real problem is the haters are a more committed bunch. There's nothing like hate to make you attack someone with no thought of the consequences.
What this moron (or as the haters spell it 'moran') company owner didn't anticipate was the reaction, of both sides. The haters besieging his phones and website to congratulate him and the left to chastise him. He had to change his phone number and shut down his website. Congratulations dumb shit, how's your business now?
VIDEO from Georgia.
St. Louis TV article.
ABC news story.
The link to his website.
"Parody inversion" explained
46 minutes ago
"Twit" is a generous term for such an insect. I can think of many others, but am trying to retain the last shreds of my class and keep this a family medium...
vw: xessest - very most in excess?
I guess he doesn't need to hire anybody now ... and it's his own fault!
He kind of an idiot. He not alone in this though. Lots of businesses are doing the same thing. Most are smart enough not to admit it publicly.
B, J, J, - Nothing like bringing politics into your business and cutting your customer base in half.
What an asshole.
I don't usually hope people get what they deserve but I sure as hell hope so for this @#$%^!@#$
M - agree
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