So I'm watching TV and on comes the commercial that we've seen a hundred.... thousand times. It's ..... FLO!!!!!!
So I think who is this Flo person. Maybe I could do a post on who she is. Well I would be well behind the curve. If you look at Stephanie Courtney's ... I mean Flo's Wikipedia page you can see she has had bit parts in tons of shows. So the Flo character might not be the real her. I wonder if I could find a picture of the real her..... hmmmm.....
The internet says it's her.... BUT IT'S NOT. DAMN.
Here she is...
As Is
52 minutes ago
She was a secretary in Mad Men as well I believe.
M - You're good. I checked wikipedia. Madmen, 2007, five episodes.
I hear she was pregnant this year so they hid her behind counters for a while in the commercials. Dunno if it's true. Too lazy to click the link.
The hot redhead with the fire extinguisher is Kari from "Myth Busters" She's awesome.
Flo's okay too.
LET - Nothing on the links about results of her sex life.
J - Why did I know you would know who the wrong gal was? Hmmmm?
Flo/Stephanie is the only good thing about the insurance racket. I would buy almost anything from her.
B - Except insurance, right?
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