Everybody wants a 'We the people' government right? Well not so much anymore according to this article.
There's a new study by a guy in St. Louis that says our constitution is old and out of date. And we know how smart people in St. Louis are.
So go read the short article. It won't take you that long to get all worked up for the rest of your Pleasant Valley Sunday.
OK today's post is brought to you by 2/12/12 12:12. Can it get any better?
No Driving...Yet.
52 minutes ago
Wow, what a great article! This is right in line with my thinking on the petrified thinking of the far right on the subject of the Constitution, and is great background material for my ongoing series of posts on the Constitution. Thanks for pointing this out. And for being so numerically spiffy about it ... did you wait up to hit the "post" button at exactly 12:12 AM?
vw: humsta - a small, furry animal that runs around in a wheel and doesn't know the words.
A great article -- something to think about. Thanks!
B - Why did I know you'd like this? hummmmmmm
I usually do my posts a little before midnight and then schedule them for 12:01 or whenever.
EPT - It will make some people's head explode.
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