Monday, February 13, 2012

1796 - Surfing captures

Four surfing jumps on the internet and you can be so far away from your 'core' group you can find some really new... different stuff.

What more could a guy want for valentines day?

Don't forget to bring some balloons.

Don't make the same mistake you did last time.... Oh what the hell, it might work this time.

If you see this sign, it's probably a joke. Forge ahead.

Words of catch 22.

The absolute doggone truth.

If this has never happened to you then.... Wait, who am I kidding?

Friday the 13th on a Monday? bE v eRy cAr eFuL 2day.


Amanda said...

That 'balloon' one reminds me of children trying to make capes fly up by running around.

Mike said...

A - When you try that don't forget to do video.

eViL pOp TaRt said...

What a concept: Be My Valentine: Have some weak meat sauce on spaghetti!

Mike said...

EPT - And don't forget to bring a friend!

I'm With Stupid said...

Even the promise of a three way with Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson would get me to eat at Skyline Chili.

Okay, maybe it would.


Bilbo said...

I do mistakes the same way.

vw: inksh - what drunks write letters with.

Mike said...

J - Im glad you reversed your comment. I was getting worried.

B - You have to be absolutely sure. I sometimes go for 10.