Well I found a sleep calculator that adds a new twist to the sleep number. It's the sleep cycle figured into sleep time. Again the average doesn't fit everyone but we'll assume it does. What's one cycle of all 4 stages of sleep? 90 minutes.
So the sleep calculator is saying you should go to sleep / set your alarm in intervals of 90 minutes. They say waking up with an alarm in the middle of a cycle can make for a sleepy day.
To much trouble to figure out? Well guess what! Just punch in some numbers and presto! Well prest anyway. Make sure to change the AM/PM first.
And then there was this video..
Your sleep calculator is a good argument for having a regular time for going to bed. Unfortunately.......
I've been planning bedtime around up time for many years. My cycle has increased slightly over the years and is now closer to 95-100 minutes. Some are as much as two hours. Your time is not that hard to figure if you just use the times that you go to sleep and check the times that you might wake up naturally during the night or in the morning.
So actually, 4 1/2 hours is closer to what I need each night.
The problem with this is I'll feel so much pressure to get to sleep "on time" that I'll never be able to do it. Also, if I miss my time, do I have to stay up for another 90 minutes? It's just too complicated.
EPT - Unfortunately.... kids? HA!
J - I could go with 4 or 5 100 minute cycles.
J - Don't lose any sleep over it.
your comments killed me, again
best laugh I had today, and it's Sunday of a 3 day weekend so that's saying a lot
LOVE the video!!
I just smash my head against a wall until I fall asleep, nothing else seems to work
D - I glad to see the no WV worked. You're the first.
What's up with that stupid video? I'd have just eaten the bird, and the heck with the noodles.
D - I typed 'I'm' in my mind, really.
N - Give a dog a bird and you feed him for a day; teach a bird to feed a dog noodles and you feed him for a lifetime.
Lady & The Tramp?
LET - Very observant. I never thought of that. It could have been a tag line.
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