Monday, March 05, 2012

1817 - CAPTCHA ya

I think I may finish out my blogging career with nonpost posts. Nobody's going to figure that out right?

Well maybe not. There's just too much information to pass along. Like word verification information!! Just what everyone wanted to hear about again. right? Well here's how my no WV experiment is going.

So far no spam has snuck through. I get spam now. And I get an email saying I've had a comment. I can see it's a spam comment. But by the time I get to the comment, it's gone.

Does everyone know about the new spam tab on your Blogger interface under comments? That's where all the spam winds up. It's just like a REAL spam blocker.

But it does seem that Blogger has taken some of the complaints about WV seriously. If you've noticed the words are a little easier to read. They got rid of the black blob with white lettering thing on the first word.

And I thought CAPTCHA was a book translation program. But it's actually reCAPTCHA that does the book decoding. And if you go to Wikipedia you'll see the differe..... wait, they look the same to me. If somebody figures this out, let me know.



eViL pOp TaRt said...

Thanks for this good information, following on yesterday's zen lesson.

Dana said...

I've never used the CAPTCHA (I hate it when people make it more difficult to comment) and since the blogger spam killer (what? At least a year ago?) I've had no issue with SPAM comments.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I am being bombarded with spam.
I took the captcha off because everyone was bitching. But I am monitoring it but it's still a pain that I get so much spam.

I have not found that blogger is putting anything in my spam box....I am!

Lizbeth said...

I've been lucky and not been hit by too much spam. I probably just jinxed myself...

I'm With Stupid said...

This is probably the first time Google/Blogger has ever responded to anyone's complaints. Normally they just don't care what people like or dislike.


Big Sky Heidi said...

I don't like CAPTCHA, myself.

I hope you continue with your fine blog, Mike!

Bilbo said...

I've found that my spam tends to be in response to specific things mentioned in my blog. The other day I mentioned "hair extensions" in a joke, and Blogger intercepted a spam comment advertising hair extensions. I've decided to live with the spam instead of making it too hard for people to leave comments.

Mike said...

I usually reread my post the next day. I found this sentence today.

'But by the time I get to Boller, it's gone.'

What?! OH! Blogger! Someday I'm going to start keeping track of my typos. They can be pretty freakin' funny

Mike said...

EPT - Maybe I should have started my nonpost with ummmmmmmmmmm.

D - captcha is fairly recent. Blogger have their own WV that was easier than captcha.

MPP - Blogger should be catching all of it acording to

L - You should be knocking on wood all day today.

J - I was surprised to see them fix something too.

BSH - Google turned on CAPTCHA for everyone.

And thanks.

B - But your CAPTCHA is turned on. I should do a post on CAPTCHA on/off on peoples' blogs. ... naaaa

Dianne said...

I have noticed it's easier to read but it still annoys me

I've never had it/never will
spam doesn't kill

oh wow, I made a little poem

Mike said...

D - Spam doesn't kill but it makes ME want to kill.

You're a poet but you don't know it.