I was hearing crazy things yesterday.
I was talking to someone about general junk when he poppped up with, "You know that Tryvon Martin probably deserved to get shot". I think (WHAT?!) I let him rant on for a little bit and quickly changed the subject. I could see where there was going to be no changing of any minds.
Talking with friends about health care when one says, "People with preexisting conditions should pay more in health care". WHAT! What's the point of insurance? Especially health insurance. It's one thing if your car insurance goes up because you're a bad driver. But your health insurance goes up because you have bad genes?
And if you think about it every condition is preexisting. If you go to the doctor with a cold you've probably had the bug for a few days already. So PAY UP you genetic freak! Your body should have killed that germ already. We're not paying because ...... WE DON'T WANT TO.
11 hours ago
I thought that the prexisting conditions rubric applied to acute conditions, like pregnancy or breaking a limb, not those in which genetic predispositions are involved.
This concept was developed by insurance companies so that they would not have to pay for something that happened before coverage, not national health insurance.
The Treyvor Martin affair seems to be very polarizing, often with people going on very little hard factual information.
Big Sky - from your mouth to God's ears.
Mike I just want it on record that I just love you. Yea, my hubby knows you make me laugh and think. He's dealing with it best he can.
You and Gerard Butler....aaah.
EPT - Nope, if your under treatment for anything (diabetes) they won't cover you. My daughter had her coverage 'limited' by a new employer for her Crohns disease. And this was years ago.
BSH - That's very true.
MPP - Me and Gerard eh? I'm going to have to work on this.
I find it very odd that the "pro-life" crowd is in full support of George shooting and killing Trayvon. Weird.
The whole pre-existing condition is a thorn in my side. There, I said it.
J - Yes it is weird.
L - I'd say it's a lot bigger than a thorn. Lots bigger.
I have heard more ignorance spewed on the Trayvon shooting than I have heard in a long time. At least now I know who to keep my kid away from!
D - Just another polarizing issue for the election silly season.
Oh and I fixed two typos in this post already. If anybody sees anymore, let me know.
I'm impossible to argue with idiots. I'd rather argue with a stump.
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