Funny headlines? Well, sort of. These are yesterdays headlines.
Mission Now, Gingrich Says, Is to Keep Romney From Turning to the Center
That's right.... I mean that's left. No wait! That's center! Well seems like the Gingrich is scared to death that Romney might drift away from the right edge of the loony bin. Heaven forbid somebody might actually have the concerns of most of America in mind. And Romney has proven to be left and right at the same time. It's a win win.
The Right Flames the Volt (the car)
The last paragraph of the article explains it all.
With seven months to go before the election, Cavuto and his Fox News brethren will have plenty of opportunities to denigrate an innovative car, employing American technology and creating American jobs, in order to besmirch a president who had nothing to do with it.
It is, after all, what they do.
Just how big are porn sites?
This isn't about porn. No really! It's about internet traffic. No really. Just because the article mentions some of the biggest porn sites on the net doesn't mean you should go to them. Just read the article with nerdy internet ...... something ... in mind. Anyway, it seems porn sites generate A LOT of internet traffic. A LOT. (And don't go to those sites!)
Notes To Myself
15 minutes ago
That article on porn traffic was very interesting. With that much traffic, I can't help thinking of how many people I meet each day that are making up those numbers!
Good Post. I always knew Gingrich had some more-or-less useful role to play for the extreme right, and it's always good to hear a new approach to pointing out the foibles of Faux News. But what is this "porn" thing of which you speak? It seems to be something that needs investigation so that I can do some traffic analysis on internet usage. Thanks for the tip ... I'll check it out.
I read it with nerdy intent.
What role does Santorum play in that dumb show?
A - I'm glad I'M not one of those people.
B - Before you investigate just remember the Enterprise battle cry... 'SHIELDS UP!'
EPT - Sant who?
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