The Huffington Post did a top ten tax charts article. Below is one of them. Don't read this if you like complaining about taxes.
The United States (including both the federal government and the states) collects less in taxes as a share of the economy than nearly any other developed country.
Click it to big it.
For the whole article and 9 other charts go to the link above.
Told ya shit happens...
5 minutes ago
Geez, Mike, what's wrong with you? You should know by now that facts never get in the way of a perfectly good bumper-sticker quality dogma.
Facts can be irritating and should never stand in the way of a good illogical argument.
I thought the problem was what the taxes were used for, not the taxes per se. I imagine a lot of people would pay taxes willingly to support professional football.
Gaw, you know what would be good???? A breakdown on how those countries spend all those tax dollars. Totally not saying you have to go there....
B - I don't have the time nor the blog space to go into what's wrong with me. But I do have some bumper stickers for you.
J - If the facts don't fit, make up some new facts.
EPT - OK, here's the deal. Bilbo is going to be our new President. John is going to be Vice President. And now it will be Angel for Secretary of Football.
LC - I'm assigning that task to you. A report will be due by Monday.
Still higher than Mexico. I know where I'm headed!
LET - Don't forget your AK47 to defend your casa.
An issue with some is what the tax money is spent on. It's very hard to like the nanny state, like some people would like to support with tax dollars.
By the way, I used to work for a state. There was sufficient wastage; but I don't know if that's peculiar to governments at all.
GC - I worked for the phone company. Anytime any organization gets to be above a certain size there will be money wasted someplace. And in the organization one departments need can be seen as waste by another department.
I'm an independent contractor who must pay twice out of my earnings for Social Security withholding. Ironically, my client who pays my wages is quite dependent on Medicare and Medicaid. The training I received for my profession is heavily subsidized by Medicare--like to the tune of 50%. If I was a church pastor, instead of a hospital chaplain, my wages would still be heavily dependent on people who receive Social Security and Medicare because most churchgoers who give generously are retired people. Then there's my very part-time job as a small city alderman, and I have to pretty much plead guilty to be a ward of local, state and federal governments as a wage earner at all! Anybody who works for any organization that is paid for goods and services by any form of government is paid out of taxpayers' money. Whose employer DOESN'T make money from some form of government is the real question.
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