What's one of the main goals of the GOP in Texas?
Eliminate the teaching a child to question, to perform critical thinking or analysis.
Of course this is public education they are talking about. I'm sure all the private schools will teach critical thinking so they can control the masses.
Here's the whole ARTICLE. It's not that long.
Find the invisible cow
1 hour ago
I sometimes wonder whatever happened to the Republican Party that I used to belong to, before it was taken over by nuts, weirdos, and religious bigots.
Amen, Bilbo!
Very interesting, Mike.
The Republicans are waging total war on commonsense and caring about others.
You gotta do these things to make people easier to control!
That is such as stupid idea!
Bilbo - I think it started disappearing during the Reagan era.
John - Certainly too.
Angel - Yes it is.
Kristen - If they didn't have Democrats to pick on they would implode.
Jay - I know I know, I just wish they wouldn't be so obvious.
King - To say the least!
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